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Turntable wrapper

This is the most commonly used method to wrap cargo. With this type of stretch wrapper, the product is on a turntable. This table rotates and wraps the wrapping film around the product.

A turntable wrapper rotates on average between 12 and 15 times per minute. The product must be relatively stable and well stacked, because the entire load rotates and can fall apart. A turntable wrapper is generally easy to move: they are light, compact and with the help of a forklift the wrapper can be placed somewhere else quite quickly.

Please find below an overview of our turntable wrappers.

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Turntable wrapper

A turntable wrapper rotates on average between 12 and 15 times per minute. The product must be relatively stable and well stacked, because the entire load rotates and can fall apart. A turntable wrapper is generally easy to move: they are light, compact and with the help of a forklift the wrapper can be placed somewhere else quite quickly.

Please find below an overview of our turntable wrappers.

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